Friday, May 26, 2017

Happiness is Meijer wild Key West Pink shell-on shrimp and De Cecco fettuccine

After thawing and shelling the shrimp, the shells went into the salted, boiling pasta water for 3 minutes before adding the pasta to make the fettuccine truly "of the sea". I simply pulled the pasta insert out to discard the shells before cooking the pasta.

The shrimp were given a five minute bath in lemon juice, olive oil, pressed garlic, and cayenne pepper before sautéing in extra virgin olive oil during the last five minutes of pasta cooking.

A fresh salad on the side by the lady of the house from our own garden made the meal magnificent.

Three dined fabulously on a Friday evening at home for something a little north of $17 total, not each.

That's livin'. Italian. American.