Sunday, October 26, 2014

Twinings Jasmine Green Tea, loose leaf: Our tea of choice since May

Bagged tea is just too darned expensive anymore. A typical cost is 13 cents a cup when you buy a 20-bag box for $2.59. Bags are convenient, but loose tea is much cheaper, AND IT'S BETTER. Twinings Jasmine Green Tea, loose leaf, has been our tea of choice since May.

Two people consuming two cups a day will burn through 24 boxes of bagged tea in four months, at a cost of over $62. The cost is even higher for a high quality bagged version of Jasmine green tea. But Twinings delicious, fragrant, loose green tea has cost us barely $35 over the same period for the same level of consumption.

Amazon is a great place to get it.