Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Apparently happiness is NOT Yogi DeTox Tea Healthy Cleansing Formula, according to doctors

A woman drank the tea as directed for a couple of weeks but ended up killing herself instead due to liver failure.

Doctors concluded after her death that three ingredients in the tea might have combined with her wine habit to do her in: gardenia fruit, skullcap root, and rhubarb root.

The only cleansing which occurred here was of a hapless consumer from the face of the earth.

From the story here:

Flummoxed, the doctors next turned their attention to the patient's consumption of Yogi DeTox tea. Apparently, she began drinking the tea fourteen days prior to her symptoms starting and drank three cups of tea each day as a "cleanse." The timing of the intake, as well as observed effects on the liver after halting use of the tea, soon convinced the doctors that the tea was the probable culprit. Unfortunately, almost two weeks into the ordeal, the patient's liver was wrecked. . . . On day 15, she was placed on the transplant list. Two days later, she died.