Sunday, February 28, 2016

Happiness is my daily scrambled egg in butter in a little cast iron skillet

OK, sometimes I use olive oil instead of butter, but butter tastes the best.

1. Heat a small iron skillet (6.5 inch) on medium for about one minute.

2. Meanwhile whisk one large egg in a proper mixing bowl until frothy.

3. Add a splash of milk and beat some more.

4. Add a generous teaspoon of butter to the pan.

5. Once thoroughly melted and coated add the egg mixture.

6. Cook until the egg sets around the edges, back off the heat to low, and push the egg once across the pan with a fork from one side to the other.

7. Allow the egg and butter mixture to pool back and set around the edges again and repeat until done to your liking (I like mine a little underdone and glossy, but not runny). The egg shouldn't stick one bit if you're doing it right.