Friday, July 8, 2011

Eat Your Salmon! Fears Over Radioactive Contamination of Food Stoked by Internet Alarmists

Lots of irresponsible and loose talk about food tainted with radioactivity continues on the internet, which is where it belongs, I guess.

These zealots frequently complain that the news media and the government are conspiring to cover up the health dangers posed by the Fukushima accident.

So I was surprised to note this one at 'fair and balanced' Fox News here, from June 30th:

According to the U.S.-based group of medical doctors Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), no amount of man-made radiation in water and food is safe. “There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources, period,” said Jeff Patterson, DO, immediate past president of PSR, in late March. “Exposure to radionuclides, such as iodine 131 and cesium 137, increases the incidence of cancer. For this reason, every effort must be taken to minimize the radionuclide content in food and water.”

Imagine that. 'Conservative' Fox News matter-of-factly giving a platform to a long-time anti-nuclear weapons group supported by the political left.

Hard numbers rarely enter into any of these presentations, just alarmism and extremism. Government and professional statements, such as here, here and here, rarely get the attention they deserve.

Or try this one on for size, from NHK World, here, on June 24th:

"Masanao Nakano, a senior engineer at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, says that in one year, the radiation concentration level will become so low that eating fish from even the most contaminated areas would pose little danger to health."

I remain convinced that there is no evidence whatsoever to stop eating wild Alaskan sockeye salmon, fresh or canned.